VSP Motorsport - Branding
ESP - VSP Motorsport es un nuevo taller ubicado en Boiro, Galicia (España).
Su equipo deseaba crear una marca informal que les diferenciara del resto de talleres locales. Lo hemos conseguido! Su arranque ha dado mucho que hablar y ha sido un buen reclamo para darse a conocer. Estos diseños se usaron tanto para vestuario laboral como en pegatinas y papelería. Esto es solamente una parte del Branding realizado para VSP Motorsport. Te gusta?
ENG - VSP Motorsport is a new workshop located in Boiro, Galicia (Spain).
His team wanted to create an informal brand that would differentiate them from the rest of the local workshops. We did it! His start has given much to talk about and has been a good claim to make himself known. These designs were used for both workwear and stickers and stationery. This is only part of the Branding done for VSP Motorsport. You like it?