If I ask you "Which is the world's most rapidly growing market?", What would be your Answer? no, it's not Automobile it's not Consulting it is eLearning Industry, Yeah! Its e-Learning during the pandemic when all the finances & Funds of developed nations are going down at that time e-learning is booming.
Fastest growing markets in the world The CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of E-learning is around 22% which is the highest in Asia itself. If we take this on the worldwide level then from the year 2000, the market growth rate has been 900%. During the decline time, IBM started losing money for about 3% compound average rate, then they shifted to e-learning and saved approx. $200 million after switching to e-learning.
In India before Pandemic ELearning has a huge market cap of $39 billion, and increased rapidly. Although the pandemic has given a big boost to online education, where instead of reading from their teachers, children are studying digitally from experts in every subject, it has not only given them an expert teacher but has also provided them with a new way to study.
Read - https://praadisedu.com/blog/World-Most-Rapid-Growing-Markets
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