Carehood - NDIS Provider Page

Hello folks,

NDIS is the short for National Disability Insurance Scheme, don't worry I googled that. This page is kind of like a blend of Website & Platform as a Service, I was asked for a website and I could have just done that and everything would have been fine but that's not the goal. Designing and completing project on time is important but are they as important as providing the solution to those targeted users? I bet your answer was No, if not you should think about your goals and vision as a designer.

So, what I'm trying to say is, implementing a design that could work both as a website and PaaS was challenging but the solution that came out of it is absolutely what one could have ever wanted.

There's two parts to this NDIS provider page the main page is the one with simple search results and the second with map view. And both of them are sections in the same page. The reason why I did it that way was because main and map both had a lot of shared components, if they were to be made as different pages the website would have gotten bulkier for no reason and two of the pages would have looked exactly same apart for the main and map section in them. A simple solution and you saved a lot of things. Will tell you guys more about this in the upcoming shots.

Hope you guys like it πŸ‘

If you want to work with me then click that "Hire Me" button duh! πŸ₯³ or if you're looking to connect with me I'm on Twitter πŸ•

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