So for this project I looked at a tutorial for making cool fonts and how to stylize them with the use of clip masking. This was for a vacation resort web banner that I had to make for my Intro to Digital Imaging class. I typed in the text(the bigger, the better to see the effect), added a stroke to the text through blending options, and I place embedded a tropical flower bush(texture) image above the text layer in the layer panel. I duplicated a copy of the tropical flower bush image(CTRL J) for later on and named that copy 'Pop'. Then I right clicked and scrolled down to create clipping masking and clicked it. For the poppy flowers and leaves, I grabbed that copy of the tropical flower bush(named 'Pop'), used the Quick Selection tool(W) and the Lasso tool(L) to mask over the flowers and leaves that were on the edges of the letters(where they would be visible if the letters weren't there). I masked them(the Japanese flag) and added some shadows behind them under blending options to make them pop.