Perpetuated Branding Icon Logo Concept
A branding concept and 3D User Interface I did for a friend back around 2004. I designed the UI in Photoshop and used an animated movie for the clouds effect.
A branding concept and 3D User Interface I did for a friend back around 2004. I designed the UI in Photoshop and used an animated movie for the clouds effect.
A branding concept and 3D User Interface I did for a friend back around 2004. I designed the UI in Photoshop and used an animated movie for the clouds effect.
A branding concept and 3D User Interface I did for a friend back around 2004. I designed the UI in Photoshop and used an animated movie for the clouds effect.
A branding concept and 3D User Interface I did for a friend back around 2004. I designed the UI in Photoshop and used an animated movie for the clouds effect.
A branding concept and 3D User Interface I did for a friend back around 2004. I designed the UI in Photoshop and used an animated movie for the clouds effect.
A branding concept and 3D User Interface I did for a friend back around 2004. I designed the UI in Photoshop and used an animated movie for the clouds effect.