Ferdowsi logo design
Having a professional industrial logo will convey your message to the audience with a loud voice. The industrial logo is usually designed with the company name and the type of services. In addition, designing to showcase your credibility and skills in the target market is not just about gaining your brand position right now.
Rather, considering the future goals of the company, it does the design in such a way that your industrial logo is with you and your special symbol from today as long as you continue and expand your activity professionally.
Various functions of industrial logo One of the things to consider when designing an industrial logo is the scalability of the logo design. Industrial logos with a variety of functions such as printing on business cards, office and corporate equipment, large-scale road transport
For this reason, the necessary details in the design should be applied in such a way that by changing the scale, these details are not lost, especially in black and white backgrounds. Choosing the right color is also a specialty that a skilled designer will offer you
Special colors for industrial logo design Major colors that are suitable for industrial logo design space include red, blue, orange, yellow And the reason for using these colors is to attract a lot of eye attention and a kind of danger sign.