UX + UI Product Redesign of the Ventra App, 2021

Ventra brings all Chicagoland public transportation (Metra, L, Pace, CTA, and Divvy Bikes) to one place & provides multiple tools for making customers’ trips simple. However, their app gets in the way of what could be a helpful tool for commuters and travelers.

For this school project, I focused on the research, analysis, and design to transform the app's Home, Trip Tools, and Buy Tickets pages + processes to bring a more user friendly experience.

View the prototyped product here: https://www.figma.com/proto/8nYb5COPEWiixzBqE7F9SW/APisciotto_App?page-id=1%253A90&node-id=203%253A2362&viewport=407%252C-931%252C0.8031696677207947&scaling=scale-down.