Book Cover illustration for Aceh Performing Arts; MOP MOP

Book Cover illustration for the Performing Arts in Aceh; MOP MOP.

Mop-mop or often referred to as the Acehnese violin is a traditional theater originating from Aceh. This art is categorized in the art of speech.
As a performing art, Mop-Mop contains elements of dance, story (dialogue), singing through reciprocated rhymes with funny, ridiculous, and full of humor.

The concept that was used as an illustration was the mop-mop show consisting of the syeh (mastermind/violin player), darabaro (bride) and linto (groom). The development of the initial sketch was greatly helped by my colleague Jack (@jack_monarch). Then the illustrations were digitally developed to be applied on the cover of our master's research book on the Aceh Performing Art, MOP-MOP, T. Zulfajri (@tejo_cemara).

You can open a feed about this on my instagram, @umarbenid.

Thanks to colleagues who helped and mentor teachers.
Thank you very much for appreciating and following our work. šŸ˜Š