Quickteller Platform

Today, Quick teller is arguably one of the most popular bills payment platforms used by many for several types of payment in Nigeria.

This is an attempt to re-conceptualize / redesign the landing page and a selected Billers page by providing an improved User Interface and a functional user experience.

Link to figma board: https://www.figma.com/file/MlAQ0Rh4tZRhziMO9qaTvW/Quick-Teller-Redesign?node-id=0%3A1

Link to mobile android screen size prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/MlAQ0Rh4tZRhziMO9qaTvW/Quick-Teller-Redesign?node-id=1%3A2&scaling=contain&page-id=0%3A1

Link to desktop screen size prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/MlAQ0Rh4tZRhziMO9qaTvW/Quick-Teller-Redesign?node-id=20%3A3&scaling=contain&page-id=0%3A1

Here are my reasons for redesign and my proposed UX. I have categorized them into P0s and P1s.


- About the quick service section, I'm of the opinion that, since different users could have different preferences of services they would want to be "quick", they should be able to choose their preferences. This will also reduce the need for the frequent transactions section.

- The text box input prompt does not explicitly consider the Next Billion Users. I suggest a better prompt for the text boxes.


- Looking at the user's dashboard, it takes an unnecessary amount of time for users to decide which section of services options to use on the mobile. I propose to have the services in one section alone.

- Having the e-cash stand alone brings doubts about it being one of the payment options. I would rather include it as a payment option for clarity sake.

- Users having separate accounts may want to easily determine which account is logged in. I suggest displaying the basic profile details would be useful in this regard.

- On mobile, ads above the fold tend to distract users on landing considering the smaller screen size. If the ads must be there, I suggest moving them a bit below where the distraction caused will be minimal.

More by Jude Enete

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