
Flowers is a little animation experiment divided into three 1-minute videos made by combining three different styles and posted on Instagram during February and March 2021. Through this project, I tried to address the topic of loss, in three steps: Negation, Depression and Acceptance.

Flowers part I The first video was developed with essential strokes. It represents a reality so unbearable as to be rejected. It emphasizes the irrationality of the state of mind and the perception that the sudden disappearance is a solvable misunderstanding.

Flowers part II The second video, made with mixed technique, is set in a forest. It deals with the bewilderment, the sense of getting lost and wandering without a destination, the inability to fight back and the vision of a meaningless future and a past that seems to suggest there is nothing left for you.

Flowers part III The third and last video, made entirely in 2d animation, is about living with our ghosts, but is projected into a future starting to regain colors. Alternating reality and dreams, the past is still omnipresent, but does not have the same unbearable weight it had before.

Full project: My BE:

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