Liberty Freedom-Fist Jacket

The Liberty “Freedom-Fist” Jacket was created by Toronto based fashion designer, Stephanie MacNeil in solidarity against racism, sexism, and homophobia.

This collaboration came about shortly after the murder of George Floyd. For me as an artist it was extremely important for me to address this whole heartedly and unapologetically. My lettering approach was to design a message that spoke to both the individual and the system. Because Freedom is a social issue. But the first step to any change whether community, national, or social - starts with the individual. I wanted to create bold unapologetic lettering designs that aligned with the mindset and energy that Stephanie beautifully expressed in the Liberty “Freedom-Fist” Jacket design.

Created in Toronto by Stephanie MacNeil @libertycrossroads Lettering designed in Philly by Emmanuel Wisdom @UNAdesignco

See full project here:


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