001 - Daily UI Challenge (Instagram Sign Up Page)

#DailyUI 001 UI task:

Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or anything you can image.

My approach: I thought of redesigning an existed logging page of Instagram by adding my own style and making reference to the actual branding of Instagram (i.e.: logo, colour palette). Changes made are on the colour theme, the button style, and the ux writing.

Figma Prototype link --> https://www.figma.com/proto/hVfVmUGqHPJFoBZn0vHRYZ/Daily-UI-Challenge?node-id=12%3A72&scaling=scale-down

More by Christine Cheah En Jou

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