A Calendar Of Tales - June Illustration

You probably agree that meeting your all-time favourite author in person is a great honour and a thrilling experience. Multiply that by 100 if that author is Neil Gaiman. Multiply that by 1000 if you’re an illustrator and you get to illustrate one of his stories. On February 4th 2013 Neil Gaiman embarked on a fantastic art project in partnership with BlackBerry and millions of his fans. He tweeted twelve questions to the world, one for each month of the year. From the tens of thousands of responses he received, Neil picked his favourite answers and wrote twelve short stories inspired by them. Releasing these back to the world, Neil asked people to contribute art to illustrate the stories. From the thousands of illustrations he received, Neil picked one illustration for each month to illustrate his digital (and soon to be printed) book, A Calendar Of Tales. Well… I’m June! This has been an amazing experience from beginning to end, and I’m so grateful for each and every step of it! I got to illustrate one of Neil’s stories (lifetime achievement unlocked), I was invited to participate in the project’s documentary, shot in London, I talked to some of the wonderful artists who illustrate the rest of the book with their extraordinary artwork and I met Neil himself who is one of the most interesting, inspiring, friendly and positive persons I have ever met!

This is my illustration for June. View larger size here:


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