Newzip Logo
It's nice to finally show this off.
Newzip is the best place to talk to locals, get expert advice and "find your comfort zone".
Working closely with Jayme @Newzip Rosie pulled together a super team to deliver a pretty lush lookin' brand built on carefully considered brand strategy.
Team awesome: @Rosie — Brand Designer & General Badass. @Liam — strategy and copywriting @Adrien— animation
It's nice to finally show this off.
Newzip is the best place to talk to locals, get expert advice and "find your comfort zone".
Working closely with Jayme @Newzip Rosie pulled together a super team to deliver a pretty lush lookin' brand built on carefully considered brand strategy.
Team awesome: @Rosie — Brand Designer & General Badass. @Liam — strategy and copywriting @Adrien— animation
It's nice to finally show this off.
Newzip is the best place to talk to locals, get expert advice and "find your comfort zone".
Working closely with Jayme @Newzip Rosie pulled together a super team to deliver a pretty lush lookin' brand built on carefully considered brand strategy.
Team awesome: @Rosie — Brand Designer & General Badass. @Liam — strategy and copywriting @Adrien— animation
It's nice to finally show this off.
Newzip is the best place to talk to locals, get expert advice and "find your comfort zone".
Working closely with Jayme @Newzip Rosie pulled together a super team to deliver a pretty lush lookin' brand built on carefully considered brand strategy.
Team awesome: @Rosie — Brand Designer & General Badass. @Liam — strategy and copywriting @Adrien— animation