Nike Store App

Hi Dribbblers 👋 !

⭐Aside from the Daily UI Challenge, I'm learning Adobe XD (I'm using more Figma normally). So this Nike Shoes Store is made it using Adobe XD, to practice and learn how to use this software.

Doing this store, I have considered some accessibility principles:

1. Color contrast (if you want to select a grey with a white background, #757575 is the lighter you can use).

2. Don't use colour alone to convey meaning (I have used in the bottom navigation menu an indicator, and when choosing the colours of the shoes, the name of the colour and number code, to make it easer for colour-blinded people)

Any feedback is appreciated!

If you like it, don't forget to press "L" and Follow my Journey to become a better and more inclusive designer 💪!

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