Hero Section for Car Service Website

Hello, guys! ✌️

Want to present you hero section of my first website! Service Motor is fictional customer - it is car service, which is located at Warsaw, capital of Poland.

✔️ Target audience: car owners of middle social class. ✔️ Usage: mock-up of website. ✔️ Marketing: I had made a little research of the most popular car brands and models of middle class in Warsaw. Then I selected three of them: Volvo, Toyota, BMW, and had used them in design.

Main concept was a creation of website for local Car Service at Warsaw, with whole identity and brand style. At the first stage, I had studied websites of competitors and select which blocks I will use. Then create wireframe for Service Motor’s page with Figma.

Logo was developed by myself 😊 - it is a combination of Engine icon in vector graphic and Title (using the special art font). Color palette of logo has become a foundation for all colors and fills for design of page. After I have started working on project, I have an idea to use some elements of logo in the design ☝️.

Main difficulty: was to search and select pictures with right composition and colors of cars. At some blocks I had issues with the creation of visual hierarchy between text block and logo.

🔫 At the next shots will show you the process of making another blocks of this project, stay tuned 📲

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Dima Lytvyn
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