Unselected routes for Architects ‘For Those That Wish To Exist’
[Client Work, 2020]
+ Set 1 +
Artwork: Bespoke Illustration & Modified Imagery using @blkmarket’s INKLAB
Typefaces: ‘Helvetica Neue’ from Haas Type Foundry
+ Set 2 +
Artwork: Modified Imagery with Grain
Typefaces: ‘Kern’ by @pizzatypefaces
+ Set 3 +
Artwork: Modified Existing Imagery
Typefaces: ‘ITC Bodoni 72’ by Giambattista Bodoni
+ Set 4 +
Artwork: Modified Existing Imagery with Textural Overlays
Typefaces: ‘Helvetica Neue’ from Haas Type Foundry ‘Wingdings’ by Bigelow and Holmes/Microsoft Typography
+ Set 5 +
Artwork: Modified Existing Imagery with Type
Typefaces: ‘Kern’ by @pizzatypefaces
More by HARRY––VINCENT View profile