Ginkio, portfolio platform

Ginkio is a digital platform offering media professionals the means to present their achievements through portfolios. Threatened by the transformation of their sector and the fear of disappearing among the mass of content creators, Ginkio allows them to regain control of their image. Opposite, the media find on Ginkio specialized profiles adapted to their needs, as well as a modern and efficient digital recruitment tool.

The development of the platform began with a UX study. To better understand the habits, needs and expectations of users, Ginkio organized an evening workshop with more than 50 professionals representing all areas of the media (TV, radio, written press, publishing, etc.). The workshop was supplemented by individual interviews. This made it possible to create personas to represent the main targets, as well as to set up user journeys through costumer journey mappings.

I designed the ergonomics of the interface in an iterative mode with a permanent link with a group of selected users. The easy, fast and intuitive use of the tool, as well as a clean, modern and user-friendly visual identity are essential aspects of the device.

The implementation of an evolving design system guarantees the consistency of the whole and facilitates the constant development of the platform.

More by Benjamin Laible

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