Duga-1: The Russian Woodpecker
So here's something completely left field - the Duga-1 radar station complex. Well, a part of it at least, its size is truly astonishing, really. It was built to register ICBM launches from North America. Y'know, just in case the Cold War turned hot at some point. It was already somewhat out of date when it was finished (as with many fine soviet endeavours) so its actual efficiency and usefulness is doubted. If one finds the Wiki article on this, you can actually hear how it sounded on normal radio frequencies. TUK TUK TUK TUK TUK. Imagine that fucking thing being built in your backyard (and its still there, multiple decades later.) Truly ominous, so it gets the Morning Smoothie seal of approval with an illo.
Anyway, drop a like or follow if ya dig it and have a great day, folks! All heart, Reijo