- Homepage & Product Page

Hello dribbble πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Attached are a few of my favorite pages I recently worked on for the new marketing website 🎨

I find that the homepage and product pages are some of the hardest to design due to the amount of content and flow that goes along with these two pages πŸ“

This project was especially fun because I worked on previously and as a designer I know what it’s like to look at old work and think to yourself what you could have done better and this was an opportunity to actually fix those corks that I found after the previous version launched πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸŽ¨ πŸš€

Lots more to share with, so please Like, Follow and stay tuned πŸ™‚

Enjoy, Alex

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Alex Banaga
Designer of things ✨

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