
Hi all, here's a something a little different and at this time, just a teaser of whats to come. In roughly 30 days time, I'll be moving in to my new home and one of the rooms is going to be my sweet new office.

I'm going to be putting the logo on the wall, base colour as magnolia or white ( undecided ), put the stencil on, draw around it, fill it in with layers of masking tape, paint the whole wall in the GP red, rip the masking tape off and hopefully, wallah! the outcome should hopefully be pretty nice. Then i'll be fitting the custom made desk.

As you can see from the @2x, quite a bit of math was involved to generate a larger version of the logo which me and my partner battled at to get it perfect.

I'll post a full process shot when the office is complete, I can not wait!!!

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