Online Mobile Sneaker Market

[Online Mobile Sneaker Market]
Backstory : tbh I thought of nothing when working on this project.

Ideas : Mobile web for online Sneaker store, which specialized in color filter. Any hoo I named the main feature Discover, I even put registered symbol next to it. Basically it's just product filter who focused on color picking, since color is really a critical factor when choosing shoes, right?

Execution : I focused on 2 of UX principles (Efficiency and Learnability) for this design.
In Home I applied Visual Hierarchy of Scale and Proximity, expecting User able to easily understand the purpose of every card and section
For Product Detail page a simple tab to make extra space for proximity
And last one, the Discover page featuring a huge color picker for precise color filter (I personally never find a reliable color filter in any website) so you can choose more than thousand shades of red and get similar or close enough result.

Note : man, gif format really take my color away. Its much more beautiful in still image format

Designed by MJ
Layout : iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max
Design tools : Figma, Gif Editor, Photoshop
All the Icon used is taken from Iconify
Couples of picture from

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