NFT - How much is your [original] face?

I sell my face. Not only me. We sell everything. Because faces influence other people.

Celebrities have been selling their faces for a long time. For a good fee, they provide an opportunity to place the advertised product near them, thereby causing the desire to buy it. But today, with the advent of deep fake, all faces have become salable. With AR glasses, your face is projected in an advertisement that is watched by a person who trusts you. After all, each of us is known. With your family, friends, colleagues. This means that our face influences our loved ones, and advertising with our face inspires their trust. The larger your social circle, the greater your influence. The higher the price of your face.

How much is your face worth?

My art is already available on Rabile, check it out! I'm so glad it worked, there are hours of operation behind me, and even more gas tracking.

Pasha Kontur ✌
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