E-commerce Mobile App

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The mobile e-commerce industry has been on the rise for the last couple of years. More and more people go online shopping via their smartphones. Here's our exploration of a mobile online shop that offers a selection of men's and women's fashion items.

The shot shows three screens of the app. The first screen is an onboarding page where a user learns about the latest collections available in the shop. The second screen is a home page with a banner advertising the new collection and with a shop catalog below. The third screen is an accessories catalog page.

We picked a neutral color scheme of white, grey, and black to put the attention focus on featured items. The design has a minimalist and modern look that matches high-end products available in the shop. We've also placed the catalog filter button on the top of the home page making featured items more relevant to the person using the app.

Ronas IT | UI/UX Team
We make complex applications simple for users🖤

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