perfect ux design case study course

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After being a UX designer and consultant for 10-plus years, here’s a funny little fact I discovered about the industry:

The UX designers who make the BEST money, have client waitlists, and their pick of the projects, are not always the BEST designers!

Sure, many are quite talented. But what got them to the top spot is simply having the best NETWORKS and the best EXPOSURE.

The easiest way to build both is by differentiating yourself with a powerful, persuasive UX DESIGN CASE STUDY.

Now the case study is the leverage point of a powerful client-attracting strategy I’ve been using to get great results over the past few years.

The reason it works so well to land cold clients quickly and easily is that it actually gets inside the heads of recruiters and business leaders and ticks off the boxes that they’re looking for in a designer – sometimes even subconsciously.

I think you’ll find this incredibly helpful for your career; there’s a real potential here for hyper-growth.

Other UX designers who learned and employed this strategy think about their careers like this:

There’s the time BEFORE they found this strategy…

And then there’s the “after” time – right now – where they’re thriving in abundance, making $600, 700, even $1,000 PER DAY off a conveyor belt of new clients.

I’m talking about people finally finding YOU, off job boards, LinkedIn, wherever. And they’re eager and ready to hire.

So how’s it all work, and why’s it so persuasive?

Enroll in this course and find out!

More by Abdulhameid Grandoka

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