
Hi!🌻 This is my first post in here, it had to be my favorite illustration of all time, and of course, it comes with a very special story.

I made it last year, while in the middle of the pandemic, I was struggling with lots of stuff, and feeling pretty down with no motivation whatsoever.

Someone posted about some online "art expo" and I just knew I had to check it out, so my boyfriend bought me a ticket.

The name of the expo was "Lightbox", and I cannot really express how much this event meant to me, I discovered lots of artists, people with similar interests, learned so much, laughed, and also cried whenever someone said something that just hit home, each night I went to bed SO happy, and this is gonna sound a bit cheesy, but this was the first time in a long time I actually felt home.

So, the inspiration behind this illustration is about how I felt that whole weekend, that girl, even though she looks nothing like me, she's me, she was in a very dark place, but she found her little spark again, and I am SO proud about this one, I think it reflects how much I learned in those months and it's the first one that actually came out exactly like I imagined it.

I made it around October last year, and that little dark place of mine has come and gone several times, but everytime I see this one, I get that little warm feeling again✨

You can give it some love and see the full illustration in here:

Please don't repost.