We Are Human. Coffee Roasters & Farmers

We Are Human. was a bold move. A struggling coffeeshop reached out for help and my suggestion was to go all in.

The owners started the coffeeshop as an extension of their work improving the lives of coffee farmers around Indonesia. But this was not showing anywhere in the brand or at the coffeeshop.

I facilitated a renaming and rebranding workshop with the team and introduced the name We Are Human. Coffee Roasters & Farmers. It was a bold move but it spoke everything they did and what the business was focused on. Helping coffee farmers improve their quality of life, which in turn increases the quality of their coffee to bring to the international market.

WAH became one of the few fairtrade businesses in Bali and is currently on a break before a post-covid restart.


Michael Prins
Expressing values through visual design.

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