TikTok 100% FIGMA interactive prototype
This is a TikTok app interactive prototype that was built 100% in Figma (except for the vid GIFs) for proof of concept and to test out the new features...
- I used Figmas new interactive components + variants to animate the song title marquee, the spinning vinyl, the notes, and the heart animation.
Check out the prototype here 👇 https://www.figma.com/proto/frLgzmV5d739UY37KaC2vG/TikTok-UI-Screens-(Community)?page-id=4%3A171&node-id=2%3A1428&viewport=704%2C412%2C0.125&scaling=scale-down
TikTok UI https://www.figma.com/community/file/874598319834758320/TikTok-UI-Screens
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