B - Breathe
B - Breathe
In a lower frequency, like fear, we freeze and stop breathing. So take 3 deep breaths, feel your nervous system calming down and return to a state of peace… right now, yes.
This B is inspired by our breathing lungs.
Part of the VIBE RAISER TYPEFACE: a typeface designed to raise your vibration, for 36 Days of Type #08 (2021). All 26 letters are inspirational invitations and all artwork, illustrations and sound are designed with the intention to raise your emotional frequency when you experience it. The 9 numbers are angelic numbers to guide you. When we are vibrating at a higher level, we feel lighter, happier, and our lives become easy and magical.
Concept, Graphic design and motion @planetjarr
Concept and copy @planetkim
Sound design by Diederik Idenburg @diederikidenburg (@most.amsterdam)
Additional animation by my son @daily_blendz
#breathe #36days_B #36daysoftype08 #36daysoftype #36days_Adobe #contest #viberaiser #typeface #raiseyourvibetype #atypefacethatraisesyourvibration
#typographyexperiment #motionexperiment #animationexperiment #motiondesign #typography #graphicdesign #planetjarr #sounddesign #mostamsterdam #dailyblendz #planetkim