HOPE BUDDY - A mobile app to improve Mental well-being.

Hope Buddy is the second project I created for UX Design Fundamental Course and this is the second part of UX Design Specialization as well.

This project starts with the concept, including a basic research of the concept, how what, and who are the users will be. I also research the competitors and their app functions so I can create ideas from their app. I make a user profile persona so I can envision what my users will be their goals and my goals as a designer. I also create a content map so I can base from there the functions, and also creating the wireframe.

It's actually a challenge for me to choose which color palette and Typography should I use.

Tools: CalArts (Coursera) required AdobeXD but I've used Figma as my alternative tool for the Prototype.

Prototype link. https://www.figma.com/proto/WckR2lZ7mZAkiWbhV7XSAG/HOPE-BUDDY-Mobile-Application?node-id=335%3A585&scaling=scale-down&page-id=299%3A0

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