
ENDLESSWAVE is a new purpose-driven local apparel brand promoting good vibes.
Its apparels are marketed to adventurous 18-40 years old individuals - men and women, who have a positive outlook on life enjoying their freedom.

The founder reached out to me to help him bring his vision to life through its new logo. I sent him a series of questions to know more about the brand and do follow-up questions if necessary.

He wanted to highlight "good vibes" to its new identity. Also, it should be simple, versatile, and meaningful as it will be used for their apparel products. It should be legible or recognizable in as small as a label in clothing.

Initially, it’s a no-brainer to incorporate the smile on it. But I question myself does it justify the definition of true happiness?

I explore online to check the symbol of happiness and I found this interesting research conducted by the World Happiness Index. According to their research, there are two main factors that make us Filipinos happy:
(1) Social Support (Community) and
(2) Freedom

Therefore, I concluded that these two factors are the perfect representation of true happiness resulted in a circle shape and a flag for the symbol.

The owner loves it so much how it turns out and so excited with its new logo.

A full presentation on my FB Page:

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