Loka.com - Services Page

One of my favorite projects ever is finally online, and I confess that I'm delighted with the final result. πŸš€β €

Loka a Silicon Valley-based software consultancy with purpose. We help build the apps, deploy the tech, and ideate innovations for fascinating startups – the kind with an impatience to make an impact and funding from premier VCs including Sequoia, Greylock and Menlo Ventures. β € There was a considerable focus on achieving a creative balance between all the graphics elements and the essential messages to transmit with a simple and intuitive user experience. πŸ’―β €

Check the live website πŸ‘‰ www.loka.com

Don't forget to press "L" and share some love and give your valuable feedback. Have a nice day!

Loka, Inc.
What you design matters. At least we think so. πŸš€

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