Somerset Wildlife Trust - Climate Adaptation Tool
Somerset Wildlife Trust - Climate Adaptation Tool
The Somerset Levels is on the frontline of climate change, with increased threats from river flooding, surface water flooding, and sea-level rise it's important that those participating in the Adapting The Levels project have their voices and ideas heard.
Adaptation Pathways is a new planning technique that enables Somerset to plan for climate change by measuring increases in sea levels, storm, heat and drought over time. The Pathways are about giving confidence in Somerset's approach to dealing with climate change by working togher.
We’ve worked closely with SWT on designing and building an engaging tool that allows users to experiment and explore Adaptation Pathways across the county. The goal for this tool is to bring together communities so they can better understand and take action on the future of the Somerset Levels. With such a wide target audience it’s been important to ensure that the tool is understandable by those with little knowledge on the subject and those with a deeper understanding around the issue.
Full case study coming soon!