— Purchase Flow
The Checkout that Fits the Business
The previous checkout design didn’t fit the business logic of the marketplace, which made purchase flow modernization and re-design to be one of the most important contributions for growth.
At first, we've formed the largest-level tasks and set the design team to work: ✓ to make it possible to buy a set of products from different merchants through one window; ✓ build a logical and hassle-free order of steps to make a purchase; ✓ supplement the interface elements with any missing details and optimize the behavior of interactive elements.
We’ve replaced a cumbersome shopping basket page with a compact and functional modal basket.
To minimize the number of actions from the user, the checkout process was simplified into three simple and obvious steps: contact details, shipping and payment methods selection, and the payment within the success page. We’ve also made simplified header and footer versions for the checkout pages.
Special kudos to Vladyslav Dobryda who did great on the UI side of this project.