Health status in the TakePill mobile app
📊Do you know that according to statistics more than 50% of patients do not follow the regime of medicine intake? And the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the degree of conformity between the patient's behavior and the recommendations of the doctor. Pill reception mode is no exception.
🙌The application is easy to use, but at the same time, it has wide opportunities to customize it to your needs.
👨⚕️If in the previous shots from this series, we showed the interaction with the doctor or friends, the choice of pills, then here we show the screens directly for the user.
💊The first and second screens show exactly how the user will be notified that he needs to take a pill, how they are displayed, which were or were not taken. And the third screen already shows the health status of the user, depending on whether the person adhered to the schedule or not.
😉Give it a try and see for yourself that following a pill schedule can be easy and even fun!
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