Personal website and portfolio update
Hey! I just redesigned my personal website! ✨
My drive was finally writing case studies of some of my latest work as a long-overdue exercise of reflection. One thing led to the other, and I ended up redesigning the entire thing. My last redesign was back in 2017 and it honestly served me so well. It helped me get a bunch of interviews in pretty awesome companies like the one I'm at now. It was also used as a reference by many junior designers building their first portfolio 🥰 I kept the minimal and content-focused concept from my previous one but iterated on almost every visual decision. I hand-coded my last one and with this one, I decided to give Webflow a chance. Now I'm so happy I did, it made the process so much easier and enjoyable. The best part of this process was how much I enjoyed it. I was looking forward every day to spend more time working on it. I guess the key was just doing it for me because I wanted, and not for job hunting. There was no time pressure or reason beyond having fun with it ✨ I have a few more pages and silly ideas that I will launch soon. But one step at a time. I hope you like it!