Course Web

I would like to show you a Hero Section for Course Web. Visual Design :- Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity Tool used :- Adobe XD Hero section Page:- Header :- [Search Bar (What do you want to learn), Menu-> Home, Courses, Events, About us, Log in/ Sign up (to create new account ) ] Simple Hero shot and Message. Call to action Button (Get Started → ) where user will get recommendation courses, many different type of courses available…. Course icon which will redirect users to the courses available. Bar icon where users get to know about different skill based courses like Designing, Painting, Coding etc.. And get more knowledge about courses. Course Recommendation Icon For directly visit to upcoming couse and what user have already saved. Footer :- Simple text which shows Provided Partners Whose courses are available for users anytime, anywhere (Udemy, Coursera, Udacity, edX).

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