Baseline Magazine
This Baseline magazine design was my 1st year's final project for my 'Typography & Communication 1' module at University.
For this project, we had to design a cover, three spreads, and a dust cover for the magazine 'Baseline'. The magazine itself had to be based on the text 'Structure and Substance' by Ken Garland. For my choice of design, I focused on the words 'Machine Age' used in ken Garlands text.
This Baseline magazine design was my 1st year's final project for my 'Typography & Communication 1' module at University.
For this project, we had to design a cover, three spreads, and a dust cover for the magazine 'Baseline'. The magazine itself had to be based on the text 'Structure and Substance' by Ken Garland. For my choice of design, I focused on the words 'Machine Age' used in ken Garlands text.