Book Cover (Teleia)
"Fourteen years after the Sack of Troy, drought, dearth, and despair abounds all across the known world. Mycenae, with grand designs for expansion, stands firm against the Athenian-backed Heraclids, asserting their claim to its throne as mysterious pirates molest trade ships and raze city after city along the coasts. Enikos—spurred on by Ares, the God of War—sets upon regional conquest of Thrace, Bithynia, and Pontus, the ancestral land of the Amazons. Only Athena, Goddess of Reason, stands in their way. The sole God concerned with mankind’s well-being, she charges Teleia, an exiled Amazon, with the task of returning to her homeland to defend it against the Thracian onslaught. With young Barsa, her ward; the smith, Mikan and his family; her patron goddess, Athena; and others at her side, Teleia embarks on a long, torturous journey rife with tragedy—past and present—for which to contend with if she is to receive absolution for her crimes." written by G. E. Hernandez