Portfolio Management App Design
Ankor Management is an advance tool for investors to manage their portfolio including finance reports, property rentals, tenants etc. The platform is synced with Propertyware API and Wechat for instant notifications. A real estate web application that helps realtors manage properties, investments and axes thus maximizing their Return on Investment. A user/manager can add property listings, manage, buy and sell properties while keeping an updated record of properties bought. expenses and revenues.
Ankor Management is an advance tool for investors to manage their portfolio including finance reports, property rentals, tenants etc. The platform is synced with Propertyware API and Wechat for instant notifications. A real estate web application that helps realtors manage properties, investments and axes thus maximizing their Return on Investment. A user/manager can add property listings, manage, buy and sell properties while keeping an updated record of properties bought. expenses and revenues.
Ankor Management is an advance tool for investors to manage their portfolio including finance reports, property rentals, tenants etc. The platform is synced with Propertyware API and Wechat for instant notifications. A real estate web application that helps realtors manage properties, investments and axes thus maximizing their Return on Investment. A user/manager can add property listings, manage, buy and sell properties while keeping an updated record of properties bought. expenses and revenues.