Digital Chalkboard Poster

Here's the final design. This is 100% pencil drawn, scanned, and then made to look like chalk on blackboard. I made the blackboard using photographs of various textures and some art brushes. I layered the artwork on top of it using the scans and inverted the colors.

I am really happy with how realistic the chalkboard effect came out. I'll post a photo of the actual poster when I get a chance to head up there and see it for myself.

Oh, one note! REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR SPELLING WHEN HAND LETTERING!! If you notice, I spelled "Millwrights" incorrectly. Luckily i caught it and just redrew that part and placed the correctly spelled version in there. I was amazed that I caught the error before the client did, as they had seen and approved this design with the incorrect spelling. Just goes to show - never trust that the client looked over everything carefully. #oops

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