No Work?

There are two places to freelance.

Sure, from home or on-site. But we mean more metaphorically speaking.

From a place of fear and scarcity or from confidence and abundance.

We are, naturally, fans of the latter.

We call it the Mt. Freelance mindset.

And it’s all about seeing all the work that’s out there, viewing other freelancers as potential collaborators instead of competition, and mistakes as opportunities to learn and do better next time.

The Mt. Freelance mindset really comes into play when the work dries up, an annoying eventuality for even the most experienced and sought after freelancers.

You can either camp out by the phone and keep hitting refresh on your email.

Or you can spend the time growing your business and happiness.

That might mean working on a personal project, updating your website, setting up virtual coffee or happy hour dates, working on a personal project, or going on vacation.

Did we say working on a personal project? Yes we did, three times now.

That’s because freaking out that you don’t have paying client work isn’t going to work.

You are still a creative person whether you are being paid to be or not. Personal projects are a surefire way to stay happy and engaged, push and express yourself and a good one is probably going to get you more work than your last 7 clients jobs combined.

If you like that line of thinking there’s a lot more where that came from.


Over here at Mt. Freelance - the online creative community and course for freelancers in and around the creative industry that want to make freelance as fun, fulfilling and profitable as possible. | instagram | experienced freelancer | new to freelance

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