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This is a piece that lies very close to my heart. It means a lot to me and it’s the start of a series. I was brought up completely upon, and in that case, lucky to be brought up a girl though I do not identify as such. I learned to communicate feelings and that it’s okay to like whatever you like. That I am allowed to wear what I want,to play with what I want.I know,this is rarely the case with girls as well,but there will be another series focused on girls. We tell our boys to not cry, that being vulnerable and upset is being girly. We teach our boys big boys don’t cry and be „mature“ while being toddlers, tweens and teens pushing a toxic narrative onto them that they carry into their later life. We all know it’s bad for them and for the people,often their partners,women or their children. The fact is,children need US to lift them up and to teach them how to be a healthy,selfaware and reflecting human. And bottling up emotions will do none. #boysdocry