Vesmírný prospekt - Bachelor project
My bachelor's thesis "Space prospectus" is draught to be a fashion editorial, which includes a complete creation of a project from designing surroundings with a model, storyboarding to photo shooting, editing and post producing and creating 3D objects. The main output od my bachelor's thesis will be a booklet of storyboards. Storyboards are combined with 3D collages, which were created in Cinema 4D and then edited in Adobe Photoshop CS6. The movement and atmosphere of the space are illustrated with nimble lines combined with colored collages. The booklet will consist of 72 pages, printed on 100g offset paper. Space prospectus bears its logo, two cylinders in a line. The booklet will be tied to an open stitch binding in bookbinding store Rak in Prague. Space prospectus and the visual style of the booklet will be in shades of dark blue with minimalist elements with details for space.
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