Daily UI 002 - Checkout
Slowly, I am working my way through th Daily UI challenges, although not everyday as requested. Here is my shot for 002 challenge, checkout screens!
I wanted to show a traditional credit card checkout, which I got inspiration from the Cheba Hut app. I loved how my credit card number and dates would appear in a preview above the actual input fields! That is just a very well done app. However, I also wanted to show a concept for a wallet that saves the credit card previews, but only shows the last 4 digits for security and identification purposes.
Also wanted to show a modern look, yet not too flashy or distracting with the gradients in the cards. Gradient color palettes came from photos of nature, mountains, sunsets, etc. A mentor once taught me that nature is our best inspiration and humans are more drawn towards familiar color palettes anyways, so don't reinvent the wheel.