Daily UI 022

Daily UI 022- Design something search related.

I used this challenge to try designing for AppleTV for the first time! 🙌 After using fitness apps to work out at home this year due to covid, I found that the search screens were typically pretty basic and could improve. My design makes choosing a workout more engaging by presenting the user with suggested keywords, trending workouts, and their recent searches. 💪🧘

I would love to know what you think! ✨

AppleTV: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/734834/apple_apple_tv_icon
TV: https://www.figma.com/community/file/809427873229067389
Photo by Katee Lue on Unsplash
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

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