Tangerine App Redesign
Hello, hello! I present to you a redesign attempt born from a lot of frustration on the recent update.
Prototype Link: https://www.figma.com/proto/h5URHaTi31dXSZL4k567kt/Projects?node-id=102%3A131&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=25%3A0
Feedback and comments are always welcome!
-- Available for freelance and collaboration! Find me at: Email: a913lee@gmail.com LinkedIn: Allison Lee ❤️
Hello, hello! I present to you a redesign attempt born from a lot of frustration on the recent update.
Prototype Link: https://www.figma.com/proto/h5URHaTi31dXSZL4k567kt/Projects?node-id=102%3A131&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=25%3A0
Feedback and comments are always welcome!
-- Available for freelance and collaboration! Find me at: Email: a913lee@gmail.com LinkedIn: Allison Lee ❤️
Hello, hello! I present to you a redesign attempt born from a lot of frustration on the recent update.
Prototype Link: https://www.figma.com/proto/h5URHaTi31dXSZL4k567kt/Projects?node-id=102%3A131&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=25%3A0
Feedback and comments are always welcome!
-- Available for freelance and collaboration! Find me at: Email: a913lee@gmail.com LinkedIn: Allison Lee ❤️
Hello, hello! I present to you a redesign attempt born from a lot of frustration on the recent update.
Prototype Link: https://www.figma.com/proto/h5URHaTi31dXSZL4k567kt/Projects?node-id=102%3A131&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=25%3A0
Feedback and comments are always welcome!
-- Available for freelance and collaboration! Find me at: Email: a913lee@gmail.com LinkedIn: Allison Lee ❤️