UX Case Study - Spotify "Recommend on Spotify" Feature
* Click the images above to see the full presentation *
For the UX Design Contest #15th, participants were assigned to “Design a new feature for a site or app you love”. We had to identify 2 or 3 features we’d like to see implemented, but I had recognised a feature I’d really love throughout the last year, as I started spending more time at home listening to music and away from my friends.
The idea of this project was to create the “Recommend on Spotify” feature, which would allow users to send their recommendations in real time without leaving the App, putting together the UX/UI that already exists in the App to create a new social interaction.
Visit the Live Prototype on Figma: https://www.figma.com/proto/GwJmTAEVZ89Bs8gP47TgCI/Spotify-Recommend?node-id=0%3A1
Any feedback is highly appreciated! :)