Cannify Brand Manual

Brand Manual for Cannify Pharma
Cannify Pharma Gmbh is a fully licensed importer and distributor of medical cannabis products, currently operating in Germany. Driven by their mission to provide high-quality products that help people to enjoy life despite health limitations - Cannify is expanding towards a standalone pharmaceutical manufacturer by developing branded medical cannabis products. They approached us to help them with the company's corporate identity, as well as the packaging design for the Cannify medical brand.

The goal was to communicate the positive, joyful aspects of a healthy life and the possibilities offered by reducing physical and mental limitations, rather than the patient’s clinical picture and the healing process. A simple, yet distinctive visual identity system was developed that resonates with the company’s evolution, designed to fit in a perfect balance between pharmaceutical and lifestyle brand.
Link to full case study:

Antonio Stojceski
Founder, Designer @alphamark

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