
Inappropriately treated conditions can lead to worsening health over time or even untimely death. MedSplain aims to do something about this preventable problem.

Simply talking to medical professionals can be tricky. Patients can often find it difficult to understand medical terms or instructions related to their diagnosis and treatment. This can leave patients confused, and more likely to poorly adhere to prescribed treatments. The confusion that follows can result in delayed or even a missed follow-up altogether. Patients may instead turn to "Dr. Google” or their peers for medical advice in the interim, leaving them vulnerable to preventable, negative medical outcomes. Dr. Nicole Longo approached Chop Dawg with the idea of MedSplain, an app to help patients navigate their diagnosis and treatment by bridging the communication divide between doctors and their patients.

Using MedSplain, users have instant access to a team of translators — verified, screened medical professionals to explain medical terminology in plain-English.

MedSplain provides real-time clarification of medical terminology. It can deliver a simple explanation of a diagnosis, treatment and provider instructions. With just a few taps and at a nominal cost, anyone can have a better understanding of their condition and prescribed treatments. MedSplain is also a great tool for prevention. Utilizing a simple yet powerful interface, anyone will be able to view a curated repository of medical terms and definitions, view helpful content related to their questions, and even find local healthcare providers.

A key feature of MedSplain is the on-demand connection to translators via video chat for explanations in real-time.

Sometimes, patients will need an speedy explanation of what medical terminology means. Once programmed, MedSplain brings the promise of supporting users in multiple timezones, country language support, as well as new payment options.

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